Marathoning Grandma

marathon Grandmother from New Paltz

While most people her age are playing bridge, an octogenarian is training for this year’s TCS NYC Marathon. I joined a marathoning Grandmother from New Paltz for a training run in Central Park. We started by her stretching ME out. “Work work it girl one more stretch.” At 80 years old Geri Owens can show you a thing or two. Make no mistake about it. This marathoning grandmother has taught fitness in New Paltz for a couple decades – she says runners are the best kind of people.

Marathon Grandma - Geri Owens Marathon Grandma - Geri Owens

Geri explains marathoners just watch out for each other, “if ‘ faster than me you slow down and I speed up and if I speed up and you slow down.” She began running in the early 80s when her kids were all finally in school, explaining “the fourth of my four children went to kindergarten…. So now is my chance.” And she was good at it. Winning her age division at track meets and even qualifying for the Boston Marathon!

Geri says, “I think better I sleep better more energy more tolerance… clean cabinets after running 13 miles? I don’t think so…” Geri has finished races from subfreezing 9 degrees to sizzling 90 degrees! Her challenge in this year’s 26.2 mile race – finish under 7 hours as she pays tribute to those she has lost.

Especially her siblings, “it’s the memory of my family… lost brother to Alzheimer’s and my sister died at 30, my other sister at 57. I just want to do it and cross the finish line for them and I will get there because of them.”

Her strategy on race day is – high fiving kids on the course! See you at the finish Geri.

Marathoning Grandma

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